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Things to Consider Before Choosing To Liveaboard in Phuket

Close your eyes and picture this: you're waking up to the gentle rocking of waves, stepping out to the sun-kissed deck, and diving into the azure sea teeming with vibrant marine life. Every morning is a new adventure, and every day is a fresh exploration. This is what living aboard a boat in Phuket can offer. But before you pack your bags and embrace this exciting lifestyle, there are some important factors to ponder. Liveaboard in Phuket can offer unparalleled experiences. It can be an extended vacation where you can dive whenever you want, explore new diving spots, and immerse yourself in marine life. It's an exciting way to combine your living arrangements with your passion for scuba diving.

Yet, like any lifestyle change, it comes with its unique set of challenges. You'll need to consider the nitty-gritty of boat living, from maintenance costs to weather conditions. A thorough understanding of what to expect will help you make the most of your liveaboard experience in Phuket.

Considerations Before Diving In

1. Maintenance and Costs: Living on a boat is not all sunsets and sea breezes. Boats require regular maintenance to stay in good shape. Additionally, you'll need to factor in costs like mooring fees, fuel, and insurance.

2. Comfort and Space: Boats, especially those used for diving trips, offer limited living space. You'll need to adjust to smaller quarters and consider storage for your belongings and diving gear.

3. Weather Conditions: Living aboard means being at the mercy of the sea. Phuket's weather can vary significantly, with the monsoon season bringing heavy rains and choppy seas.

4. Diving Locations: One of the perks of a liveaboard lifestyle in Phuket is the chance to explore various diving sites. From the reefs of the Similan Islands to the underwater caverns of Phi Phi Islands, your home on the sea can take you on unique diving adventures.

5. Emergency Services: When living on the sea, access to emergency services can be a crucial factor. Ensure you have the necessary safety gear and medical supplies on board, and check the proximity of your chosen mooring location to healthcare facilities.

A liveaboard lifestyle in Phuket allows you to take an extended Similan diving trip. The Similan Islands are a world-renowned diving location, offering crystal-clear waters and a wide range of marine life. With a liveaboard, you can stay on the islands for an extended period, diving at different times of the day and experiencing the underwater world in various lighting conditions.


Liveaboard in Phuket can be an unforgettable experience, especially if you love the sea and diving. However, it's essential to consider all factors before taking the plunge. The key is to be prepared, so the challenges won't overshadow the fun and adventure. As a bonus, partnering with a reliable dive center can ensure your Similan liveaboard experience in Phuket goes smoothly. You can partner with Phuket Dive Center. They can provide valuable insights, support, and resources that will make your oceanic adventure all the more enjoyable and hassle-free. You can look into more of their services on their website: -

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